By Clicking on an eligible tab on a main menu
No, you can only create an account with one NIN and email address
No, onece you submit your application you would not longer be able to edit your details, you can only login, preview and print.
By submitting you registered email address and we will send you your password via your registered email address
After creating an account on the plartform Kindly login with your email address and password used for creating the account, it will take you to your darshboard, click on My category and follow the on screen step up to where you will fill in your academic qualification fill in your highest qualification and click on the professional course/membership body if you have from the left menu fill in and click on working experience, fill in your working experience and click on My Upload from the left menu, upload all necceasry document and it must be in .pdf format after having done that then click on submit my form and scroll down and click on submit finally then print your applcation slip.